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Our Students


By November 2020, Dar-ul-Quran Foundation graduated 86 huffaz.

  • 9 pursued Alim/Islamic Studies around the world.
  • 5 completed their studies and become Ulema
  • Other graduates have gone on to become engineers, medical professionals, or are pursuing college or high school degrees

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Our huffaz led Taraweeh and Jummah prayers at masajid, high schools, and colleges around the country. Experiencing Ramadan in the COVID-19 highlighted for many the benefit of having family members who can correctly read and recite the Qur’an at home. Alhamdulillah, our students were able to lead their families in Tarawih prayers at home.

Many of our huffaz have returned to teach nazirah to members of the community in local masajid classes, Sunday School programs, and one on one tutoring. Through the programs taught by Darul Qur’an, and through the efforts of our graduates, we have been able to uphold our strong commitment to serve our local and national Muslim community and other communities throughout the U.S. by preserving and propagating the words of Allah (SWT).


  • One graduate recited the entire Quran in one day to the teacher prior to graduating.
  • 7 huffadth recited 10 Juzz per day prior to graduating.
  • Most huffadth recite 5 juzz per day prior to graduating, as part of our regular curriculum.
  • One male graduate completed memorization of the entire Quran in 7 months and received his Ijaza from Maulana Mohammad Haroon Khan with a sanad leading back to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • One female graduate completed memorization of the entire Quran in one year.

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