Full-Time Hifdth
We recommend that students either be 9 years old, or at least enrolled in the third grade, in regular school.
If students utilize their time well and work exceptionally hard (both in class and at home), we have found that most of our students finish the Hifdth within 3 years.
Our new school year begins in September, and runs until August of the following year. Our program runs all year long.
Students are in class all year long, and do not get a summer break. Our longest break of the year is right after Ramadan, and usually lasts about 2 weeks. The students also get about 5 days off for Eidul Adha.
Currently, it is $400 per student per month. Since classes run from September through August of the following year, the total amount for a year is $4,800.00 per student.
Yes, financial aid is available for qualifying students and their families. The parents must fill out and submit paperwork in order to qualify for the aid.
Homeschooling classes are offered for students in grades 3 through 8. Homeschooling classes are held on the weekends—Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays
Alhamdulillah, thus far, all of our students who successfully completed their homeschooling grades with us have had no issues in transferring to other schools to continue their secular education.
Students enrolling in Full-time Hifdth are required to attend a trial period of full-time Hifdth class during the summer for at least one month. This is to allow the student to acclimatize himself/herself with the Hifdth schedule. The trial period also allows the teachers to assess the capabilities of the students wishing to enroll.
We do not allow students to enroll in the Full-time Hifdth program without a summer trial, and the decision to enroll, and all paperwork must be submitted before August 30th.
Alim Course
Students should be at least 14 years old, or older. Exceptions can be made for students who have completed Hifdth with Darul Qur’an and are younger than 14
No, students do not have to be a Hafidth to enroll in Alim classes.
It is $150 per student per class.
Alim Classes are usually held on weekends. However, select classes are held on weekdays as well.